Our Living Bookshelf is a year-long, hands-on project in our Biology class that provides an interactive, student-driven learning opportunity.  To begin, students researched low light, low moisture plants and why they have evolved that way.   Students helped to plan out the structure and spacing they would need, and are establishing a watering and care plan with hands-on access every Wednesday.  Since we are using some already established plants (as well as growing new ones from seeds), students have re-potted plants into clear containers so they can further study root growth. 

This is truly an multi-disciplinary endeavor, centered around students learning numerous skills across a variety of topics. The Studio Art Department pitched in by designing the background display, the Math Department assisted with measurements and calculations, and Wood Shop helped with electrical connections for the sub-mounted grow lights and providing needed air holes in the plexiglass.  Some students have even created fictional animals (and made models of them in art) for different environments (i.e. coral reefs vs. wetlands).

Below are pictures of our completed array — check back often to see how our Living Bookshelf grows!




Pictured here are the preparations to help our Living Bookshelf grow and thrive during the colder months.  We installed insulation and growth lights that are consistent with the lower natural light, and changed the background to a jungle theme!

October 5th, 2022

October 20, 2022

January 4, 2023

May 16, 2023